Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Everything Has A Reason

Everything happens for a reason, thats for damn sure. While working on this project I have been able to go out and see what I really am threw my own words. Coming Of Age, in consept is a collection of my works as I continue to grow from a boy into a man.

At just about half way threw the body of the book, I sit here in amazement that I am able to share these thoughts threw poetic form with you. Looking back on what is cusping 28 years of my life, there are so many events that need to be shared, I just hope that some of these writings will touch you as much as they have touched me as well.



Monday, May 26, 2008

We Salute You

We Salute You
A tear fell softly on his young cheek
as the flag draped coffin rolled by
in a somber remembrance of his dad
who paid the ultimate price.
He was young, to young to understand
the meanings of his dads loss
so quietly he cried as he watched on
because that’s what he was told to do.
He wondered many things that day
as the pipers sweet songs played
who are all these people
in the pretty army men suits
why do they all look
at my daddy's casket and salute
do they really know my daddy and if so why
all roll threw his head
as no one sees his tears.
As the piper's pipes bellow amazing grace
and he plays for respect to the dead
the young boy stands next to his mom
not to move a muscle as he looks on.
Big men the size of his daddy use big words
that make the precious young boys head spin
as he tries with great vigor to understand
because that’s what his daddy would want.
Then he see's them,
standing in their dress blues
a bunch of men with weapons in hand
have come to save the day or so he thinks
as they mount their stocks to shoulders
and pay tribute to his daddy
with a twenty one gun salute.
Off in the distance the little boys eyes do see
another army man or so he calls them
not knowing any better name
play softly a song on his horn
that bring all the others to their feet.
He watch’s on as they take
the flag off his daddy's casket
as they carefully fold it with such precision
honor and graceful movements as well
with more tears in his eyes
he comes full circle
wanting his daddy back with him,
for that he is certain
An army man walks over,
carefully holding that flag
and hands it to the little boy
with a tear in his eye
stands back at attention and salutes him
then with a quiver in tone,
looks down at the boy saying
Your daddy did well son,
now he's in Gods home.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

An offering from the Coming Of Age project

I have had a lot of fun working on new pieces for coming of age, thought that on this spring day I would offer you one that will bring anyone back to the age of a child, atleast for a moment or two.

Lesson Plans Of Spring
Back of the room doodling
on the blank pages of my notebook
was an escape from counting ceiling tiles
as the teacher regailed the class
with half hearted stories of another.
Every tick of the second hand
seems like forever today.
The mid spring sunlight pourd
into the sauna that was the room
where today I felt like a prisoner.
My eyes darted from side to side
almost as if I was planning an escape
in the back of my head
echos of charlie browns teacher
ring ever so loudly threw out my head
as the teacher before me continues
their relentless assault on my ears
with their long and pointless babblings.
I notice for a second out of the corner of my eye
the sweet spring breeze blowing
pushing yester years leaves back and forth
allowing the symbol of freedom to blow
as it sits afixed to the pole outside the widow.
The last place I want to be is confined here
when the spring time nature calls me
to shed the books and troubles of school
and to let my soul be free.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Coming Of Age

hello out there in blogger land. I am pleased with the progress of Coming Of Age, as I am writing this, I am close to 1/4 of the way threw compiling the works for the book. This is a minor milestone for me, but with the recent feedback on my current published book, From Behind Blue Eyes, I am quiet excited add more pieces to the book.

Right now, the projected release date has been set for 15 september of this year but I am sure that it will be out a little sooner. So far on this project, the hardest part has been working on the cover art, but this too will come to me in time. For now, keep the feedback coming and check back often as I add preview poems from Coming Of Age.

Until next we speak,
